About Aaron Willcox


I believe you have a great love story. I believe that story should be captured in all it’s truth and nuances without my influence or direction; nothing to distract from the essence of who you two are as a couple.. just great photography.   The magic is unique between you and I believe in illustrating that unique connection with timeless and powerful imagery.



Why is this straight guy interested in photographing gay weddings? Well, I believe in challenging the popular notion of romance.  The traditional "romantic" imagery flooding our visual world is a narrow and misleading benchmark.  There is a truth that is hidden and often ignored. It is my personal mission to help re-define what love looks like and spread that truth with powerful imagery. With every intimate moment between two women in love, with every quiet look shared between two men, I feel I am slowly dislodging that narrow public narrative.

Beyond photography, my priorities revolve around the people in my life.  At the top of this list are my three amazing boys Riley, Bentley and Asher who keep me full of wonder and stretch the limits of my patience daily.  Of course, a group of friends who challenge me, support all my crazy ideas. At the foundation of it all is my partner in crime Kristin, my lover, all-in-to-the-end-Bandita who can tear up the dance floor even better than me.

San Diego Pride parade and festival:  Supporting my local LGBT community with our honey bee float.